Museums of the Republic of Mordovia

Mordovia Republic’s Museum of Fine Arts named after Stepan Erzia

State-Financed Institution of Culture “Mordovia Republic’s Museum of Fine Arts named after Stepan Erzia” has a status of one of the most valuable objects of national and cultural asstes of the Republic of Mordovia.

The museum was founded in 1960 and it was named “Mordovia Republic’s art gallery nmed after Fedot Sychkov”. Anew building of the museum was built in 1976 to mark the centenary of the birth of Stepan Erzia. It has been named after Stepan Erzia since 1995.

Masterpieces of classics of artistic culture: sculptor Stepan Erzia, painter Fedot Sychkov constitute basic collections.

Museums of the Republic of Mordovia

Address: 61 Kommunisticheskaya StrAddress: 61 Kommunisticheskaya Str.

Business hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 09:00 – 18:00; Thurthday – 11:00 – 20:00. Monday – day off.

Mordovia Republic’s joint museum of natural studies named after Ivan Voronin

The museum was created in 1918. It is an extensive exposition dedicated to nature, past and present time of the Republic of Mordovia. There are departments of funds, scientific propaganda, literature, historical, of modern history, ethnography and nature. There are more than 170.000 depository items in holdings of the museum. Nowadays the museum in situated in the cenytral part of the building of Museum and archive complex.

Entertainments in Saransk

Address: 2 Saranskaya Str.

Business hours: Tuesday to Monday 10:00 to 18:00. Monday – day off.

Mordovia national culture museum

Mordovia national culture museum was opened in 1999 in a building which had been owned by merchant Barabalin before the Revolution. The museum is a branch of Mordovia Republic’s Museum of Fine Arts named after Stepan Erzia.

There more than 3500 artifacts in the funds of museum: Mordovian national costumes, household items, agricultural implements, icons, wooden sculptures, books and photos.

There are several thematic halls, where the visitors may see exhibited objects dedicated to seasonal ceremonies of Mordovian people, Mordovian celebrations, wedding traditions, everyday life of Mordovian women, life and education of children in Mordovian village. Exhibitions devoted to creations of Mordovian artists and popular craftwork items usually take place in an exhibitions hall of the museum.

The purpose of the exposition is to represent traditional ceremonies and celebrations of Mordovian people which make an integral part of Mordovian culture.

Museums of the Saransk

Address: 19 Sovetskaya Str.

Business hours: Tuesday to Sunday 09:00 – 18:00. Monday – day off.

Museum of War and Labor exploit 1941 – 1945

The Museum was established in 1986 and is placed in the Victory Square. Among 32 depository items there are clothing, photo and documental materials of the participants of the Great Patriotic War born in Mordovia. The museum has a big collection of paintings, graphics and sculptures, given by studios named after B.Grekov and E. Vuchetich, personal funds of compatriots – participants of the war. The exposition consists of four halls – symbolic Hall of Fame, Hall of Flamy Front-line roads, Great Russian Commanders, Continuity of Generations.

Museums of the Saransk

Address: 34 Sovetskaya Str.

Business hours: Tuesday to Sunday 11:00 – 20:00. Monday – day off.

Museums in districts of Mordovia

Ardatov natural studies museum

The museum was founded in 1975. In sections of pre-revolutionary and modern history there are rare ethnographic materials. Expositions devoted to famous natives of Ardatov – doctor of law M.Gernet, ship builder A.Krylov, composer F.Maslov, poetess L.Tatyanicheva, principal performer of the Bolshoi Theatre A.Timoshaeva, movie actress I.Arepina make a big interest.

Museums of the Republic of Mordovia

Address: 103 Dyuchkova Str., Ardatov

Business hours: Monday to Thursday 08:00 - 17:00, Friday 08:00 – 16:00. Saturday and Sundays – days off.

Temnikov history and natural studies museum

The museum was opened in 1966 in the building of hospital built in 1812 for money of Theodore Ushakov. In the section of pre-revolutionary history it is possible to get acquainted with archeological monuments, history of a district city, with the personality of Alena Temnikova, Decembrists Venedyapins. In the special section there is history of local china-pottery industry. You will find unique materials in the hall of Theodore Ushakov. Materials about science communicator of Mordovian people Z.Dorofeev, surgeon A.Rudyakovsky are represented in modern history hall. In the section of nature there are views of Mordovia State Nature Reserve named after Pyotr Smidovich.

Museums of the Republic of Mordovia

Address: 19 Kommunisticheskaya Str., Temnikov

Business hours: Tuesday to Sundya 09:00 – 17:00. Monday – day off.

Memorial house of composer L.Voinov

Opened in 1968, the museum is devoted to the native of Temnikov – composer, director of famous orchestra Russian folk instruments L.Voinov (1898-1967). The exposition is made of unique documents and photos, manuscript of musical compositions.

Museums of the Republic of Mordovia

Address: 8 Voinova Str., Temnikov

Business hours: Tuesday to Sunday 09:00 – 17:00.

Memorial house of Hero of the Soviet Union Mikhail Devyataev

The museum was opened in 1975. It is located in the area where glorified war hero was born. Memorial exposition tells about life of a person who made an unparalleled feat – escape from German death camp on an enemy plane. Among artifacts there are original items of prisoner of concentration camp “Sachsenhausen”. Memorial room recreate atmosphere typical for farmhouses of the beginning of XX century.

Museums of the Republic of Mordovia

Address: 29 Oktyabrskaya Str., Torbeevo

Business hours: Monday to Friday 09:00 – 17:00. Saturday and Sunday – days off.

Memorial museum of Stepan Erzia

The museum was opened in 1976 located in an old wooden house not far from the place where was peasant’s house of the Nefedovs family. Unique documents and photos tell about life and creative career of a genius sculpture. In the exposition there are sculptures of students of master M.Nefedov, E.Mroz, A.Saks. Personal belongings are also on exhibit. The exposition is supplemented by items of Mordovian decorative applied art: costume of Erzian woman of XIX century, samples of national embroidery. Subjects of wooden and ceramic implements make atmosphere of everyday life of Erzian peasant family of XIX – XX centuries.

Museums of the Republic of Mordovia

Address: 7V Sovetskaya Str., Baevo

Business hours: Tuesday to Saturday 09:00 – 18:00. Sunday and Monday – days off. Lunch break 13:00 – 14:00

Memorial house of Fedot Sychkov

Township Kochelaevo – motherland of painter Fedot Sychkov – carpets in 10 km from district center Kovylkino on the Moksha river bank. The museum of the master was opened in 1970, he created his paintings here for several decades. The living room keeps the exposition of original items, furniture and books of the painter. In a painter’s studio there is an atmosphere of creative activity of painter: brushes, palette, sketch-book and easel are neighboring with cane furniture, sofa, bright carpet. In the painter’s studio there is a small exposition of Fedot Sychkov’s artworks: subject paintings, portraits, landscapes, still-life, which were created during various periods.

Museums of the Republic of Mordovia

Address: 11a Sychkova Str., township Kochelaevo

Business hours: Tuesdy to Sunday 09:00 – 18:00. Monday – day off.